Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 2

Good Morning Everyone!

So Day 2 is here and I am already slacking but not because I don't want to run, I woke up this morning completely unable to breath and a killer backpain.....not sure what all of that is about. But i am determined to not get off an hour a day of I am going to do some intense yoga and and ab work out later today.

Yesterday's walk/run was amazing.  I completed two miles and got to see parts of my site that I haven't been able to see before.  I like this time of year because everything is transforming from the brown desert landscape to the tropical one that I will get to enjoy for the next 6 months.  its seriously like someone have taken a remote and decided that the saturation needed to be turned up.  Its just so green..... I don't know if its like after the dead of winter finally thaws and you see tiny white flowers or if it really is this green here.  I ran past some beautiful pastures and fields.  I even had a companion for about 5 minutes of my run.  This tiny little dog followed me! I am hoping he will become a running partner!

Well that's it for me today...Yoga and abs in doors, but hopefully I will be out again before I know it!

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